Looking back to move forward

Last week I wrote about time and dare I say ‘Time Management’ the term we often shy away from, thinking maybe that’s possible for someone who has a Personal Assistant 🙂

It got me thinking about time and goals that I’m pursuing.

Yes, this week I had a ‘moment’ with a goal where I was left feeling flat and disappointed. It is a running goal that I’ve set with a time and date. This is to happen in a couple of weeks time, so I thought I’d test myself out.

This run had me a little disappointed this weekend, ok I was in tears! I ran for a certain time; smiling, being grateful that I CAN run and doing the best I could on the day … and didn’t make the distance in the time planned and YES I was disappointed. “In tears about a dumb run?” The voice in my head questions almost mocking me. Yes, I cannot believe I’m admitting this to you.

This made me think of my running journey and looking back at my diary, I read:

“Jan 21, 2013 – Doing my long brisk walk session this evening, I found myself walking along a path with a huge grin on my face. This isn’t as long as I once thought… not so long ago it was a massive achievement to run this length. Now I finally take time to breathe and look back at how far I’ve come and the improvements I have made.

This is something I’m learning to do with this marathon challenge, as I have done in the past with my whole life journey, just to pause once in a while, breathe and look back and see how far I have come and where I am going.

I have heard people say, even motivational speakers, “Look forward and never look back.” I understand what they mean, but I still think looking back for me, personally reminds me of the journey that has led me to now hasn’t always been rainbows and lollipops reminding me how I have succeeded and struggled in the past to get to my goals. At this particular moment I am reminded of the fact that it takes baby steps to get to a big goal. So I look back at my small baby steps here; 30 steps, then this path and next my 5.3km fun run challenge and now it appears more achievable in my mind, encouraging me to keep believing in me.” 

Reading this brings me to a state that encourages me to keep going, keep striving to reach my goal, even if it doesn’t happen on the exact date. I must also admit, I haven’t put in the training time as I should to train for such a result to happen…

Have you ever made a goal and haven’t quite reached it at the exact time you aimed for? We all do it from time to time; I’m not claiming to be Queen Goal Achiever 🙂 So maybe we should look back once in a while and keep striving for that goal and pat ourselves on the back for the distance we have made already along the way…I’m not just talking about running.

The Power Is In Me…it’s in You too!
