A Frame in Time

Have you ever gone back in time with thoughts that bring a smile to your face? Or thoughts that may even leave you feeling in a state of agony? Or perhaps the sound of a tune brings back an emotion that captures you in the exact state of feeling and brings a picture from the past in your mind or even that physical tingling of joy that is associated with that tune. We’ve all been there right?

I am feeling this today as I write and reflect back in time of past stories I am sharing in my book. I keep going on about how scary and exciting this is, but it is also a adventure that I am happy to go back to and experience all the exciting moments all over again, which is my aim as a writer to take you into a journey as if you are in it and there with your own thoughts and eyes to see what you wish through my words of reflection. However there are moments of my past that bring tears to my heart, but also give me and the reader the opportunity to reflect and feel different emotions all over again.

Today though, I am pleased to be writing about when I first started sharing with people close to me, other than my coach’s, about my huge marathon challenge.

The feelings of excitement that I had in myself, to learn to run again came rushing back. That original feeling even gave me the past feeling before that; from a memory of myself at seven years of age, running across the school oval in a race with my classmates and coming across the line first. Not really fully realising back then the distance of what a marathon would be like on foot. Yes, I knew it was 42.2 kms but that was a number I really hadn’t initially fully comprehended. I just knew it was a huge goal and that I was going for it and that I was excited.

As silly, naive or some would say just plain stupid as that may seem, I like to think of it as an exciting time and a case of having no fear of the unknown…this makes me smile as I write.
It reminds me of how we can associate feelings we place on ourselves that we connect with any goal. This can be a positive result or even end up as a negative.

If I held onto negative feelings associated with running a marathon, then that is what would have manifested negativity, and I would not have even started training for it.
So today’s writing has put me in a frame of time, bringing back an animated feeling, giving a response of joyful overwhelm all over again as if I were back in that picture.

Who knows what tomorrows writing will bring, it’s not all sunshine and lollipops…but that’s what makes life interesting.

The Power is in Me…it’s in You too!

It’s all in the mind

Announcing my scary goal to you a couple of weeks ago was a very big deal to me! Yes I have made the commitment of writing a book that reveals my true essence, sharing my thoughts and interpretation of my journey!

This is truly a big commitment. It’s time consuming and sometimes mind boggling as to how I am going to fit this into a legible form of interest; involving my experiences, story of determination, struggles, humour, motivation and lessons in my effort to pass on encouragement, inspiration, curiosity and hope this will guide readers into a time of reflection and motivation. I have done this many times at speaking events, but to write a book; to bring a certain voice to my pages can be a tricky mission.

For those who know me well, realise I am a person who detests being called a sufferer or a victim…eeew that really doesn’t work for me. I explain my story as a grateful survivor who just likes to get on with things and believe that there’s no such thing as can’t…

In the past I never liked to draw attention to myself regarding my stroke or diabetes, but then WHAM! Run Donna Run happened www.RunDonnaRun.com.au with no other reason but to raise funds for the RCH and encourage others, it was a huge personal goal too. No, I didn’t have to make a big song about it, but it just kind of grew into something I am proud to say made a positive difference and still does.

So back to the book writing dilemma, is it a dilemma or a process that I’ll grow into as the pages come to life? Yes, I write short pieces, such as my blogs, or articles where you are so wonderful to give feedback…good or bad, I am open to opinions and constructive criticism…although it’s all been good so far, thanks! 🙂

This reminds me of my first solo art exhibition a few years ago. I was revealing my work without hiding behind other artists talent, it was all me! Whilst being exciting it was scary too when I paused before opening night! Would people like it? Would they purchase my work? Would they totally bag it? Having a conversation with a friend of a pleased buyer at my exhibition; he said once he stopped painting for himself and painted what he thought would sell, that was when he actually didn’t sell! Hmm…interesting observation.

Where am I going with this? Well, it makes me think of scary challenges I’ve faced in the past, surviving a stroke, learning to walk again, changing my little sisters nappy (she probably won’t read this… 😉 ), launching a solo art exhibition, learning to run all over again (after 34 years) 30 steps to a marathon in 11 months…now writing a book… it’s written, in my mind, I just have to transform it into text.

We all have our own version of paintings, books, running a marathon, some sort of scary and exciting challenge, but do we go with “what sells” or conform to others expectations? Or go with our heart and our own PB (personal best)?


The Power is in Me…it’s in You too!


Once upon a time…

Since writing my last blog I sadly received unfortunate news of a death in my family. Naturally it is a sad time, he will be missed by loved ones, but at the same time he lived a full long healthy life of over 91 years of age.

Listening to the eulogy at the funeral service, the amazing story told of a passionate man who survived the escape in a communist country fleeing armed soldiers and receiving refuge from nuns who protected him…this was just a tip of the adventures that lay ahead for the life of a truly heroic young man who left his family, stopping along his travels through a few countries to eventually start a new life in Australia.

It is always an interesting time when hearing a eulogy, even if you have known somebody all your life or only for a moment, there is always something new revealed in a eulogy…in a life story. We never really know the full details of one’s life until there is a time such as this when a group of people get together to join in to contribute their thoughts, their knowledge, their experiences in this life to form a eulogy.

I was even asked to stand in front of the service to give my reflections, and pass my experience of the times that I shared to give the essence of a true gentleman and pleasant character that he held. Even though I had never been in this position to share stories at a funeral service, it was a privilege and honour to be asked to contribute in his tribute.

This got me thinking of the story telling that I am currently doing with the writing of my book, my own life story. Just as it is interesting to hear others opinions, stories, secrets even of a passed person’s life which you thought you may have known, this can too be the case in my own living life. How can that be so?! It seems kind of odd right? But maybe not.

When reflecting on my own life writing the past experiences that lead me to where I am today, there is so much of a journey to be told that can be added by others like in a eulogy to combine and make a story or reflection from, I consider this almost like a school assignment.

Sharing my story in a book from the age of 7 years of age not only involves my own thoughts and memory but also others who were in that same picture, for example my parents and looking over my medical records, which looks like a novel in itself! This has involved intriguing conversations with my mother and father and hearing stories that I didn’t even know that had actually involved me, almost like hearing some other body’s eulogy.

Why do we wait to have to write someone’s eulogy to find these amazing journeys when we could share intriguing stories right now?


The Power Is In Me!



Back in ‘blogger world’

It’s been awhile since I have written in ‘blogger world’, apologies if it appears that I have neglected you.

If you have been following me at www.RunDonnaRun.com.au  or  www.facebook.com/RunDonnaRun you will have seen I created a running group called ‘PIIMP My Run’ (Power Is In Me Program) this was a 20 week online training program, providing keen participants with a program, this included expert running training and a nutrition program from my awesome coach’s, along with our continual motivation, fun and encouragement to reach the goal to Run For The Kids in April. Some travelled to Melbourne, while others ran in their town/city. We all raised funds for the RCH, here is the team http://www.rundonnarun.com.au/#!piimp-team/c22uy I am very proud of this awesome group who inspired me throughout the program, and some had never ran before this program! PIIMP team members are now going on to bigger challenges of their own and have found a new love, running!

My goal as you may know is to raise $50,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital which is something I am continually focusing on to achieve in 2014.

My next RDR challenge and fundraising activity is called ‘Falling for a Cause’ http://www.rundonnarun.com.au/#!falling-for-a-cause/cydj involving a team of 20 adventurous people to skydive with me in October 2014, for the kids at the RCH.

As you can tell I have been busy so hence I have been away from writing in ‘blogger world.’ I hope you will forgive me for the break and welcome me back.

Writing has been something I have dabbled in from a young age as far back as primary school, I loved creative writing. My mother even kept a story I wrote about a hippopotamus in my backyard, written on ancient paper with blue lines 5 cm apart. Always keeping a journal when I was younger and in my over analytical teenage faze and writing letters to my cousins and aunties who lived afar, back when we hand wrote letters and sent them in an envelope with a stamp. I even secretly considered myself a poet in my latter years of high school, although I would dread to read them now and come to realise why it were a secret (silently giggling to myself).

My next personal challenge is one without a team, a challenge that is solely my own that reveals my truth, my vulnerability and my soul. It’s a truly scary but exciting challenge that I have held inside and now revealing this to you means that I need to follow through, just as I did with my original RDR marathon challenge.

Doctors regretfully told my parents when I was 8 years of age; I would never walk or talk again after surviving a stroke and other serious complication. Many people who hear my story of determination, are amazed and quite frequently tell me; “Donna, you should write a book!”  So, by popular demand, this is my new challenge that I am sharing with you. I am writing a book! Aauugghh!!

There’s no such thing as can’t…
